Workmen’s compensation insurance is compulsory and is regulated by Decree-Law no. 159/99, of 11 May and by Law no. 98/2009, of 4 September, for independent workers and employees, respectively. Its purpose is to ensure that employees and their family members will, if necessary, receive appropriate compensation for damages resulting from accidents.

Health insurance covers risks related to the provision of healthcare, in accordance with the covers and limits of the respective insurance contract.

Covers the risk of death or the risk of survival of the insured person(s), and may also have complementary covers, such as the risk of disability, accident or unemployment.

A medium and long-term financial product that helps maintain a good quality of life at retirement age.

Consulting services and implementation of medical, retirement and other benefits for internationally mobile employees.

Solution for companies in which their executives travel frequently, offering 24/7 assistance during international and domestic trips.

Digital platform that allows employees access to personal insurance with privileged conditions.

Nowadays, there is a growing awareness that mental health should be valued by everyone. Some insurances already include mental health cover, which includes various services such as psychiatric consultations, psychology and psychotherapy sessions.

Current scientific evidence shows that solutions such as apps can be a useful tool for achieving results. This requires a well-defined objective, the mobilization of knowledge from different areas, such as psychology and engineering, and controlled clinical trials. Even so, the intervention of an accredited professional who can provide personalized support in more serious situations is a critical success factor.

Thrive Mental Wellbeing is a clinically tested app that combines the benefits of technology with the intervention of a qualified professional. Based on the CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) methodology, it works to prevent, detect and manage problems related to the emotional well-being of employees. For more serious situations, it provides access to a 24-hour helpline and psychology consultations. The data is confidential and collected anonymously, respecting the principles of the General Data Protection Regularion (GDPR).

Aiming to promote the well-being of employees, it creates, implements and manages solutions for Wellbeing and quality of life at work.

VISAVIS provides experiences that include the promotion of wellbeing weeks, health and safety at work days, teambuilding and other days linked to the promotion of healthy habits.

It has a wide range of activities that cover areas such as: nutrition, gymnastics at work, psychology, legal support, financial consultancy, among others.

For companies: an unique platform!

It allows HR departments to manage all benefits in a simple and 100% automated way.

For employees: one App and one Card!

Everything in an App and a single Card to enjoy all the benefits.

We provide a set of tools that boost employee performance:

Communication, benefits and motivation solutions adapted to each company’s image.

These are 100% digital solutions so that employees can enjoy everything at any time, from their workstations or from any other place.


Ideal for protecting a company’s fleet of vehicles. It offers, in a single insurance policy, all the car covers for companies with more than 5 vehicles.

Complete protection solution for: property, goods, machinery, furniture and liabilities associated with the company’s activity.

It is aimed at companies with mobile equipment. It is a specialised machinery insurance.

It is intended to cover material loss or damage caused by internal malfunctioning of the equipment itself, which prevents it from operating normally, necessitating its repair, replacement or renewal.

It is intended to protect equipment from the normal power grid used in professional activities with a high concentration of electronic components.

Engineering insurance provides economic safeguard to the risks faced by the ongoing construction project, installation project, and machines and equipment in project operation.

Protects against damage of goods or objects when transported by ship, lorry, car, railway or aircraft between Portugal and any country in the world and vice-versa, between mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Regions or only within mainland Portugal.


Guarantees liability arising from damage caused to third parties in the course of commercial or industrial activity, through the sale of defective products or through acts carried out by the company’s managers or employees:





Decree-Law no. 147/2008 of 29 july establishes the legal regime of environmental liability based on the “polluter pays” principle. It applies to environmental damage and imminent threats of such damage, caused as result of the exercise of any business activity. Environmental Liability Insurance guarantees these damages, as well as other liabilities for pollution or contamination and the inherent defence costs.

It is intended to protect managers, directors and the company itself against claims by third parties regarding management acts carried out in the course of their duties, covering defence costs and damages.

Corresponds to the legal requirements of Article 396 of the Portuguese Commercial Companies Code, regarding to civil liability attributable to the members of the management or supervisory bodies of public limited companies. It covers the main risks involved in the exercise of functions in the management and supervisory bodies of commercial companies, guaranteeing payment of Indemnities that are legally required of the insured, for the damage of unlawful acts carried out in the exercise of his duties as a member of the company’s management or supervisory bodies, where such liability arises from Portuguese law.

Any company, regardless of its size or activity, is vulnerable to internal or external cyber-attacks. VISAVIS has a solution that aims at the protection of computer systems, from intrusion to data loss and data violation. We want to help you with prevention and provide you with information and protection so that you are prepared if you are the target of an attack.


Guarantees the fulfilment of contractual obligations undertaken by a Company to the collateral beneficiary. It has several advantages over Bank Guarantees, as it is quicker to process, which increases the credit capacity derived from the release of plafonds. In addition, it contributes to an important financial effect on companies, as it allows access to insurance contracts, at a lower cost than bank guarantees.

Insures losses due to interruption or reduction in the company’s activity in the event of a claim under your Property insurance policy. Your “Gross Profit”, namely the difference between your “Sales/Provision of Services” and “Variable Costs” is covered during the indemnity period defined in the contract (normally 6 or 12 Months).

It covers non-payment for credit sales of goods and services, made on the domestic and export markets. It is an excellent tool for the prevention of the risk of default and for the protection of the negative consequences resulting from it, such as the loss of the amount not collected, possible lack of liquidity, collection management expenses and the search for new customers.



Along with new market trends, VISAVIS assumes a position of specialist in People Management Consulting.

Starting from an exhaustive diagnosis, whether of organizational culture or talent management, salary studies, or other, it is possible to relate the business strategy to the design of programs adjusted to the reality of each company, using the best market practices and capitalizing on our know-how and experience of employee insurance specialists.

VISAVIS leverages the matrix of its personalization strategy with its Customers to guarantee objective support for decision-making in terms of Human Capital of Organizations, whether in Compensation & Benefits, Wellness Care, or in the development of policies and practices that value the Human Capital of Organizations.

Along with new market trends, VISAVIS assumes a position of specialist in People Management Consulting.

Starting from an exhaustive diagnosis, whether of organizational culture or talent management, salary studies, or other, it is possible to relate the business strategy to the design of programs adjusted to the reality of each company, using the best market practices and capitalizing on

our know-how and experience of employee insurance specialists.

VISAVIS leverages the matrix of its personalization strategy with its Customers to guarantee objective support for decision-making in terms of Human Capital of Organizations, whether in Compensation & Benefits, Wellness Care, or in the development of policies and practices that value the Human Capital of Organizations.


The digital transformation process on a global scale, the dizzying technological evolution and the massive use of data, are today’s challenges and threats to companies on a permanent basis.

Today it is an obligation of organizations to keep constantly updated and proactiv in preventing and managing security of information, systems and communication. The consequences of a cyber-attack can compromise a company’s day-to-day life. We highlight some:

The digital transformation process on a global scale, the dizzying technological evolution and the massive use of data, are today’s challenges and threats to companies on a permanent basis.

Today it is an obligation of organizations to keep constantly updated and proactiv in preventing and managing security of information, systems and communication. The consequences of a cyber-attack can compromise a company’s day-to-day life. We highlight some:

  • Business interruption

  • Financial losses due to stoppage

  • Legal actions

  • Fall in the stock market

  • Loss of records

  • Need for investments in new operating and consulting systems to reverse the problem

  • Influence a merger & acquisition process

  • Damage to the company’s reputation

  • Fine for exposing customer data

  • Business interruption

  • Financial losses due to stoppage

  • Legal actions

  • Fall in the stock market

  • Loss of records

  • Need for investments in new operating and consulting systems to reverse the problem

  • Influence a merger & acquisition process

  • Damage to the company’s reputation

  • Fine for exposing customer data

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